
  • Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words 143〜163ページまで。 新しく購入したSR-E8000*1、重宝してます。英活以外にも、知らない人名を調べるのにマイペディア(百科事典)が結構役立ちます。また、リーダーズ&プラスは固有名詞・略語を調べるときにやっぱ役立ちます。普段は引きやすいG大をメインに使うのですけど、いざというときにリーダーズがあると安心ですね。

Nowadays, with the growing diversity of activities and interests available to the modern urbanite, he said, novels have to compete with sport and the stereo and TV and videos and cooking and a host of other enjoyable pastimes. The novelist can no longer expect readers to put the time and energy into trying to understand difficult fiction: now the writer has to work hard to draw the reader into the novel. The burden is on the writer to entertain, to tell stories in simple, easy-to understand language. P147


Ironically, over the years, this very success has caused both Haruki and Yoko pain by giving rise to false expectations among a Japanese readership accustomed to reading fiction as autobiography. P.152
This seems even truer of the depressive Naoko, who, Murakami insists, is not modelled on the one other girl he befriended in college. P.153


It always happens this way. It's always the same. While I write, I go on thinking to my self, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die. At least until I get this novel finished, I absolutely do not want to die. The very thought of dying with it still unfinished is enough to bring tears to my eyes." P.164

