
  • Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words 23〜39ページまで。 ストーリーのある物語でないせいか、なかなか進みません。作品についての抽象的な解説は、ついていくのが大変です。

The most valuable "observing" he did, he says, was of "real live human beings", with all the problems that inevitably arose from having to deal with so many customers and hired help. "Given the type of person I am, I would never have become involved with so many different people as I did under the stressful circumstances of running that place. It provided a kind of valuable discipline for living that would have been available to me no other way."  P27-28


"Yare-yare". This has been rendered into English as "Great,just great" or "Terrific" or merely a sigh, depending on the translator and the befuddling context. P37
