
Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words

Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words

村上春樹の半生と作品について、彼の作品の英訳者のJay Rubinが書いた本です。日本語媒体では読めないようなprivateな事項まで書かれてるみたいなので、どうしても読みたかったのです。数年前に購入し、英語を読めずあえなく挫折しました。英語の勉強をはじめてしばらくしてまた挑戦しましたが、10ページほどでまた挫折。(読んだ部分だけ単語に下線が引かれ、欄外に単語の意味が書いてあります。痛々しい。。。)もうそろそろいけるんじゃないかと、3度目の挑戦です。

"It was such a tremendously new experience for me to be able to understand and be moved by literature written in an acquired language." P.16


Before the war, Murakami's father was a promising student at Kyoto University; then he was drafted into the Army, to fight in China. Once, when Murakami was a child, he heard his father say something deeply shocking about his experience in China. He cannot remember what it was...But he remembers being terribly distressed. P18
